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Authors Instructions


Please download the copyright form, and fill it in (one author may sign the form on behalf of all authors). Please scan the signed form and include it in your camera ready submission. A partly filled-in version of the copyright form is available here.

The final paper and the signed copyright form are due on 31st August, 2012. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.

Download the copyright form for the Workshop proceedings here


Please take the reviewers' comments carefully into account when preparing your camera-ready paper for the proceedings. Spot check will be performed on the camera-ready version and final paper will only be accepted to the conference if the paper has been revised appropriately.

To submit the final version of your paper, please do the following:

1) Create a folder named WISE2012XXX where XXX is your paper ID. Place
  • the source files of your paper, including figures
  • the PDF file of your paper
  • authors.txt. The file should contain: Full names of all authors (surnames clearly marked by block letters) and their email addresses. The contact author's name, postal mailing address and contact email address.
  • scanned copyright form

2) Zip the folder into file and submit using your EasyChair author account. The page limits are:
  • Regular research papers: 14 pages.
  • Short research papers: 7 pages
  • Demo papers: 4 pages
  • Challenge papers: 6 pages

These page limits given here are strict. The final paper and the signed copyright form are due on 31st August, 2012. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.

Please follow strictly the author instructions of Springer-Verlag when preparing the final version: Our publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated. If you have any problem in preparing the final papers and copyright forms, please contact Guangyan Huang (


We would like to remind you that at least one author of EACH paper MUST register by 28th August 2012 and attend the conference. Authors of an accepted workshop paper must complete a full author registration before 16.10.2012 for their paper to be included in the post-workshop proceedings. For each accepted paper (regular, short, demo, workshop, challenge or otherwise), at least one author must register at the full author registration rate, even if all authors are students. Completed registration is required for all accepted papers that are to be included in the conference or workshop proceedings. If you have multiple accepted papers, each paper must have a separate full registration. Please register following the instructions at

Thank you in advance to adhere to the above instructions. We look forward to seeing you in Paphos, Cyprus in November 2012.

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